Sunday, August 31, 2008

Political Faeces

Winston Peters must think the public is stupid. All the posturing, casuistry, and sophism is fooling no-one. The public perception of him and his party is diminishing by the hour. The big question which is being sidelined, is whether or not Peters has accepted bribes from Glenn (ambassadorial aspirations), Siminovich (Scampi enquiry) or Vela family (Racing boons), or indeed from them all. In the meantime Labour is frantically appointing party lackey's to the (independent) public service, and ramming through unpopular law before the election. The worst thing is, in the event National comes to power, they will NOT reverse the Socialist adgenda Labour has been embarking upon. This begs the question: why bother voting for National at all? By not reversing the trend they are in fact acting as an accomplice with the Labour adgenda

Monday, August 25, 2008


I was listening to the Maori program on National radio the other morning, early. They interviewed a chap who completed a documentary on John Pohe, a Maori pilot in WW2, and who by all accounts was one of life's more memorable characters. The interviewer stated it seems unusual to talk of a Maori pilot and the documentary-maker replied that there were a number of maoris who served in the RAF, perhaps 30 or so. The interviewer's reaction?
" Jesus, that's heaps".

Monday, August 18, 2008

Helen Clark

I genuinely feel sorry for Helen Clark over the death of Gottlieb (affectionately known as "Goat Leg")Braun-Elwart. It's a hell of a position for anyone to be in.
However one is constrained to speculate that Helen was probably discussing Labour Party plans with him when the poor man raced outside and had a heart attack. One can visualise the unfortunate man lying there, in extremis, with senior Labour Party cabinet members crowded around him, and Professor Davis puckering up to give him mouth to mouth (with a slightly crooked grin on his face). That would be enough to sap the life-force from the most hardy of us.