Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New Society

It seems incontrovertible that certain of society's dynamics have changed over the last few years, and dramatically in certain sectors. I know for a fact that generally society is much different now than it was when I was growing up in the 50s and 60s. Unfortunately it is different in an improper way, in a putresent way. I blame the teachers. When I went to primary school in the mid 50s the Nuns made it very clear to us what was and what was not expected of us. Our parents did the same. We had very clear perimeters which directed our behaviour, and there were consequences if we went beyond those boundaries.
Enter Tomorrow's Schools, the brain-child of the first Lange Labour Government. It was in fact a teacher-led initiative, a real Socialist notion. The philosophy behind the change was the idea that perimeters only hold a child back in its development. Remove those boundaries (or inhibitions) and the child will achieve much more. Drugs? How do you know they're bad if you haven't tried them? Try them, and decide for yourself. Question, nay argue with your teachers. People in authority are just imposing arbitrary limits on you. Punishment should not be seen as such, so sanctions have to be severely ameliorated so as not to offend a child's sensibilities.
The first children who developed under this regime (I will not describe them as maturing) are now the parents of the savages roaming our streets. By and large these children ( and not all have devolved in this fashion) would be described as sociopaths when I was a child, and in a lot of cases psychopaths.
Socialists as a political force exist for one reason only. They purposely change society to conform to their own political notions. I hope they are happy with the society they have created.

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